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DESITE BIM API Documentation - 3.0

For migrating WebForms from previous versions of DESITE to 3.0, please see this manual on Zendesk: WebForms migration information
See a list of removed functions here: DESITE 3.0 Interface Changes


The DESITE BIM product line provides an API to enrich and to manipulate actions in the applications.
API scripts can be implemented on any "script" interface in DESITE md or md pro and further be used as useful DESITE web forms in DESITE md, md pro, custom and touch.
Moreover, they serve as an automation mechanism in a BIM-Project for attributes' manipulation, camera control, objects' query and more.
The supported programming language is JavaScript.

Scripting is provided by four levels:

These four levels are reflected by the provided classes in this API.

Level 1 can handle property values only.

Level 2 provides function to change and augment models and their objects.

Level 3 can also get and set selection/visibility of objects, call viewpoints and material mappings. In this level navigation modes can be set and objects can be filtered.

Level 4 also provides signals to notify linked objects in a form about changes in selection and visibility objects in the 3D-model.

Level 1 - User Defined Properties

Available JavaScript objects: desiteThis, desiteAPI

JavaScript object: desiteThis
Access to the current object. The current object is passed by DESITE to the running script.

Available methods:

// ID of current object
// Name of current object

JavaScript object: desiteAPI
Access to functionality of DESITE.

desiteAPI provide the methods of class CoreAPI


// get the id of the current object
var id = desiteThis.ID();
// get the value of property 'cpVolume'
var V = desiteAPI.getPropertyValue( id, 'cpVolume', 'xs:double' );
// the return value of the script, i.e. the value of the expression
Level 2 - Automation

Routines can be automated and triggered when a new model is added to the project, removed from the project or when the project is opened.

Available JavaScript objects: desiteThis, desiteAPI, desiteMap

Level 3 - Scripting the Project

Available JavaScript objects: desiteThis, desiteAPI

Level 4 - Scripting web forms

Forms based on html, javascript and other web technologies can be used to provide specialized functionalities and/or user interfaces.

Available JavaScript objects: desiteAPI, desiteMD

JavaScript object: desiteAPI
Access to functionality of DESITE. Provides the methods of class NavigatorProjectAPI and of the three other Levels.

JavaScript object: desiteMD
Access to the embedded browser. For details, see WebFormAPI.


List of available domains:

Domain nameScript call
BOQ / Bill of Quantitiesboq
All Domainsall

Created: Thu Apr 20 2023 10:27:56