Functions | |
int | message (string) |
bool | sendRemoteMessage (string message) |
object | getVisualizationOptions () |
void | setVisualizationOptions (object opt) |
object | getPainterOptions () |
void | setPainterOptions (object opt) |
var | getLocation () |
void | setLocation (var location) |
var | getImportSettings () |
void | setImportSettings (var settings) |
Tools | |
void | startEXE (string prg, string args) |
void | showOnScreenKeyboard () |
void | openLink (string url, bool useDesktopService) |
string | showOpenFileDialog (string caption="", string directory="", string filter="") |
string | showSaveFileDialog (string caption="", string directory="", string filter="") |
Project | |
void | openProject (string url, bool useSessionData=false) |
int | saveProject () |
int | saveProjectArchive (string filename, string packBookmark) |
array< object > | import3DModels (var sourceFilePaths, var options) |
array< object > | importTimeSchedules (var sourceFilePaths) |
array< object > | importBillsOfQuantities (var sourceFilePaths) |
int | exportModel (string filePath, array< string > modelIDs, object options) |
string | exportBCF (array< string > sourceIds, string targetPath, string targetFileBaseName, string bcfVersion="2.1") |
var | exportCheckRuns (array< string > sourceIds, string targetFilePath, object options) |
var | importCheckRuns (var sourceFilePaths) |
var | importBCF (string sourceFilePath) |
int | redirectDocument (string modelId, string newSourceFilePath) |
Objects | |
void | filterElements (string pName, string pType, string pattern, bool checkInh=true, string domainCombination="geometry") |
void | showAll (bool repaint, string domainCombination="geometry") |
void | showAllElements (var domains=var()) |
void | hideAll (bool repaint, string domainCombination="geometry") |
void | hideAllElements (var domains=var()) |
void | showElements (var elementIDs, bool includeBlocked=false, var domains=var()) |
void | showElementsOnly (var elementIDs, var domains=var()) |
void | hideElements (var elementIDs, bool includeBlocked=false, var domains=var()) |
void | setElementsVisible (bool visible, var elementIDs) |
void | setAllElementsVisible (bool visible, var domains) |
void | clearSelection (bool repaint, string domainCombination="geometry") |
void | selectVisible () |
void | selectVisibleGeometric () |
void | selectElements (string idList, bool flag, string domainCombination="geometry") |
void | setElementsSelected (bool selected, var elementIDs) |
void | setAllElementsSelected (bool selected, var domains) |
void | zoomToSelected () |
void | zoomToVisible () |
void | zoomToObjects (string objIDs) |
void | zoomToAllDocuments () |
void | zoomToSelectedDocuments () |
void | zoomToVisibleDocuments () |
void | zoomToDocuments (array< string > idList) |
void | zoomToAllResources () |
void | zoomToSelectedResources () |
void | zoomToVisibleResources () |
void | zoomToResources (array< string > idList) |
void | zoomToLocationGK (double rw, double hw, double h) |
void | zoomToLocationGps (double lat, double lon) |
void | moveToLocationGps (double lat, double lon) |
void | zoomTopView () |
string | getVisible (string domainFilter="geometry") |
array< string > | getVisibleElements (string domainFilter="geometry") |
bool | hasVisible (string domainFilter="all") |
int | countVisible (string domainFilter="geometry") |
string | getSelected (string domainFilter="geometry") |
array< string > | getSelectedElements (string domainFilter="geometry") |
bool | hasSelected (string domainFilter="all") |
int | countSelected (string domainFilter="geometry") |
void | setVisualisationMode (int mode, bool repaint=true) |
int | getVisualisationMode () |
object | showElementsOOBBSide (string IDList, double prec=1.e-2) |
object | showElementsOOBBTop (string IDList, double prec=1.e-2) |
object | showElementsOOBBFront (string idList, double prec=1.e-2) |
void | showDimensionsPainter (bool showAABB, bool showOOBB) |
void | hideDimensionsPainter () |
Viewpoints, Clipping, Camera, Light Sources | |
void | showHomeView () |
int | showViewpointByID (string id) |
void | addToViewPoint (string vpID, string objIdList) |
void | removeFromViewPoint (string vpID, string objIdList) |
var | createViewpointFromCurrentView (string parentID, object options) |
string | getCurrentViewAsImage (int width=1920, int height=1080) |
bool | saveCurrentViewToFile (string filename, int width=1920, int height=1080) |
object | getViewpointData (string vpID, array< string > filterKeys, bool whitelist=true) |
bool | setViewpointData (string viewpointID, object data) |
void | setViewpointDataToCurrentView (object data) |
object | getViewpointDataFromCurrentView (array< string > filterKeys, bool whitelist=true) |
Tool Tips | |
int | activateObjTooltip (string name) |
void | deactivateObjTooltip () |
string | getActiveTooltipName () const |
void | setDocumentsTooltipsVisible (bool v) |
bool | getDocumentsTooltipsVisible () |
void | setResourcesTooltipsVisible (bool v) |
bool | getResourcesTooltipsVisible () |
4D Simulation | |
void | set4dIsActive (bool active) |
bool | get4dIsActive () |
bool | set4dDateTime (date dt) |
date | get4dDateTime () |
object | get4dOptions () |
void | set4dOptions (object opt) |
date | get4dProjectStart () |
date | get4dProjectFinish () |
array< string > | get4dActiveTaskList (date dt, bool linkedToObjectsOnly=false) |
array< string > | get4dActiveTaskListByInterval (date dtStart, date dtEnd, bool linkedToObjectsOnly=false) |
array< string > | get4dFinishedTaskList (date, bool linkedToObjectsOnly=false) |
array< string > | get4dProspectiveTaskList (date, bool linkedToObjectsOnly=false) |
string | get4dTaskColor (string taskID, date dt, string defaultColorName="#000") |
Building Structure | |
void | setBsPlanUnderlayActive (bool active) |
bool | getBsPlanUnderlayActive () |
Navigation Modes | |
object | getHandlerMode () |
bool | setHandlerMode (object handlerInfo) |
array< string > | getCreatedPins () |
var | createObjectsFromMeasurements (object options) |
Pick Points, Measure | |
object | getPickedPoint () |
object | getAllPickedPoints () |
object | getPickedPointGPS () |
object | getPickedPointGK () |
object | getPickedFaces () |
void | clearMeasureItems () |
Clash Detection | |
void | showClashList (string clashIdList) |
WebForms | |
object | getWebFormLocations () |
void | createWebFormBookmark (string url, string name) |
int | removeWebFormBookmark (string url) |
Version Comparison | |
var | import3DModelIntoVersionComparison (string sourceFilePath, string referenceModelID) |
void | clearVersionComparison () |
object | getVersionComparisonOptions () |
bool | setVersionComparisonOptions (object options) |
bool | runVersionComparison () |
object | getVersionComparisonResults (array< string > filterKeys) |
var | getPropertyValueFromVersionComparison (string objectID, string propertyName, string propertyType, bool checkInheritance=true) |
void | showAllElementsInVersionComparison () |
void | showElementsInVersionComparison (var elementIDs) |
void | hideAllElementsInVersionComparison () |
void | hideElementsInVersionComparison (var elementIDs) |
![]() | |
int | setProjectNumber (string s, bool overwriteExisting=false) |
int | setProjectShortDescription (string s, bool overwriteExisting=false) |
int | setProjectLongDescription (string s, bool overwriteExisting=false) |
void | setTempValue (string name, var value) |
var | getTempValue (string name) |
array< string > | getListOfTempValues () |
void | clearListOfTempValues () |
string | getModelByElement (string id, string domainFilter="all") |
array< string > | getModelListByName (string name, string domain="geometry") |
array< string > | getModelListByDomain (string domainFilter="all") |
string | getRootNodeByModel (string modelId) |
array< string > | getRootNodeListByDomain (string domainFilter="all") |
array< string > | getRootContainerList (string modelName) |
string | createModel (string name, bool createRootC=true, string domain="geometry") |
object | getModelMetaData (string modelId) |
int | deleteModel (string id) |
var | getModelImportSettings (string modelId) |
array< string > | getAllElements (string domainFilter="geometry") |
bool | hasElement (string id) |
array< string > | filterByProperty (array< string > inputList, string propertyName, string propertyDatatype, string filterPattern, bool checkInherited=true, string domains="geometry") |
array< string > | filterByStatus (array< string > inputList, string status, bool value=true, string domains="geometry") |
void | itClear () |
int | itByFilter (string propName, string propDatatype, string filterPattern, bool checkInh=true, string domain="geometry") |
int | itFilterByStatus (string status, bool enabled=true, string domain="geometry") |
int | itByObjectList (string idList) |
string | itGetObjectList () |
bool | itHasNext () |
string | itNext () |
int | itCount () |
void | itToFront () |
array< var > | itGetAvailablePropertyValues (string propName, string propDatatype, int maxValues) |
void | itSetupDbCache (string propName, string propType) |
void | itSetMaterial (string matId) |
void | itColorCode (string propName, string propDT) |
void | itColorCodeNumber (string propName, string propDT, double intervalSize) |
void | itCalcOOBB (double eps) |
void | itUpdateOOBB (double eps) |
void | itCalcOOBBxy (double eps) |
void | itUpdateOOBBxy (double eps) |
string | findContainerByName (string parentId, string name, string lookupDomain="all") |
bool | isContainer (string id) |
int | startProjectTransaction (string domain="geometry") |
int | endProjectTransaction (string domain="geometry") |
var | createObject (string parentID, object objectMap) |
string | createObjectFromXml (string parentId, string objectXML) |
int | deleteObjects (string idList) |
object | getAsJSON (string objId) |
int | setAsComposite (string id, bool composite) |
int | setLinkedObjects (string elementID, string IDList) |
int | removeAllLinkedObjects (string id) |
int | removeLinkedObjects (string id, string linkedIdList) |
int | updateRuleBasedLinks (string domainName, bool visibleOnly=false) |
int | removeRuleBasedLinks (string domainName) |
void | lockObjects (string idList) |
void | unlockObjects (string idList) |
void | unlockAllObjects () |
string | getLocked () |
int | countLocked () |
array< string > | getListOfObjTooltips () |
void | addObjectListToTooltip (string idList, string tooltipname) |
void | removeObjectListFromTooltip (string idList, string tooltipname) |
int | createPropertyType (string propName, string propDatatype, string uomCode, bool isInh, int target, string domainName="all") |
int | setPropertyTypeMetaData (string pName, string ptype, object metadata) |
int | deletePropertyType (string propertyName, string propertyDatatype, string domainName="all") |
array< var > | getPropertyTypeBookmarkList () |
object | getPropertyTypeBookmarkByID (string bookmarkId) |
int | activatePropertyTypeBookmark (string bkmId) |
bool | setPropertyTypeActive (string pName, string ptype, string domain, bool active) |
int | setAllPropertyTypesActive () |
int | removePropertyTypeBookmarkByID (string bkmId) |
string | addPropertyTypeBookmark (object bookmarkConfig) |
int | setPropertyValue (string objId, string propName, string propDataType, var value) |
int | deleteProperty (string objId, string propName, string propDatatype) |
array< var > | getPropertyValues (string propName, string propDatatype, int maxValues=0, string domainName="all", bool getNullValues=false) |
array< var > | getPropertyValuesByObjectList (string propertyName, string propertyDatatype, bool checkInherited, var objectIdList, int maxValues=0, string domains="all", bool getNullValues=false) |
object | getPropertyListAsJSON (object options) |
void | setPropertyListAsJSON (object propmap, object opt) |
object | getPropertyScriptList () const |
string | getPropertyScriptCode (string domain, string pname, string datatype) const |
string | getPropertyScriptFgColor (string domain, string pname, string datatype) const |
string | getPropertyScriptBgColor (string domain, string pname, string datatype) const |
int | setPropertyScriptCode (string domain, string pname, string datatype, string code) |
int | setPropertyScriptFgColor (string domain, string pname, string datatype, string code) |
int | setPropertyScriptBgColor (string domain, string pname, string datatype, string code) |
object | addPropertyScript (string domain, string pname, string datatype, string code=string()) |
int | removePropertyScript (string domain, string pname, string datatype) |
void | propertyScriptClearCache (string domain="all", string pname="", string datatype="") |
object | getPropertyScriptOptions (string domain, string pname, string datatype) |
int | setPropertyScriptOptions (string domain, string pname, string datatype, object opt) |
int | synchronizeDocumentContainer (string containerId, bool waitForCompletion=false) |
void | resetDocumentMetaData (string objId) |
array< object > | findDocumentsByLocationGps (double lat, double lon, double distance, array< string > idList=array< string >()) |
array< object > | findDocumentsByLocationRangeGps (array< string > gpsCoordinates, double distance, array< string > idList=array< string >()) |
array< object > | findDocumentsByLocationGk (double rw, double hw, double distance, array< string > idList=array< string >()) |
array< string > | findDocumentsByDate (date start, date end, array< string > idList=array< string >(), bool useRef=false) |
string | createCalendar (string name, string comment) |
int | removeCalendar (string calendarID) |
array< string > | getCalendarList () |
string | getCalendarByName (string name) |
string | getDefaultCalendar () |
string | getCalendarByTask (string taskID, bool checkInh=true) |
int | setCalendar (string taskID, string calendarID) |
int | removeCalendarFromTask (string taskID) |
int | setCalendarOptions (string calendarID, object options) |
object | getCalendarOptions (string calendarID) |
array< object > | getCalendarExceptions (string calendarID) |
int | addCalendarExceptions (string calendarID, array< object > exceptions) |
int | removeCalendarException (string calendarID, var date) |
int | clearCalendarExceptions (string calendarID) |
int | setCalendarWorkingTime (string calendarID, object workingTime) |
object | getCalendarWorkingTime (string calendarID) |
int | calcWorkInMinutes (date start, date finish, string calendarID=string()) |
array< string > | getTaskRestrictionsList () |
string | getTaskRestrictionsByName (string name) |
int | setTaskRestrictions (string taskID, string restrictionsID) |
int | removeTaskRestrictions (string taskID) |
object | getVisualisationList () |
int | setVisualisationByID (string taskIDList, string visID) |
int | removeVisualisation (string taskIDList) |
int | setTaskMode (string taskID, int mode) |
int | recalculateActivityProject (string taskID=string(), bool visibleOnly=false) |
object | calcPropertyValuesOverTime (string propName, string propType, object options) |
int | createTimeSchedule (object config) |
int | hasContact (string objId1, string objId2, object options=object()) |
string | createContactObject (string parentId, string objId1, string objId2, string matId, object options=object()) |
array< string > | cutObject (string parentId, string objId, object plane=object(), bool closeCuts=true, bool splitUnconnectedParts=true) |
string | mergeObjects (string parentContainerId, string idList, bool skipClosed=false, bool keepTransparency=false, bool keepCommonProperties=false, bool replaceParent=false) |
bool | isIncludedIn (string objId1, string objId2) |
int | isPointIncludedIn (double x, double y, double z, string objId, double tol=1.e-5) |
int | checkIntersection (string objId1, string objId2, double tolerance=-0.00001) |
int | transformObject (string objId, string transformation) |
int | setAsOpening (string objId, string openingIDList) |
string | getProjectionAsSvg (string idList, object options=object()) |
double | calcDistance (string objId1, string objId2) |
var | calculateDistance (string meshID1, string meshID2) |
int | swapOrientationOfTriangles (array< object > idList) |
var | addMaterial (string modelID, var materialData) |
var | setMaterialData (string materialID, var materialData) |
var | getMaterialData (string materialID) |
var | removeMaterial (string materialID) |
string | createMaterial (string matXml, string modelId=string()) |
int | deleteMaterial (string matId) |
array< string > | getMaterialList () |
string | getMaterialAsXmlByID (string matId, bool formatXML=true) |
object | getMaterial (string matId) |
string | getMaterialIDByName (string matName) |
void | updateMaterial (string matId, string xmlMat) |
int | setMaterialToObjects (string matId, var objectIds) |
int | setTransparency (string objectIds, float defaultTransparency=0.95) |
void | resetMaterials (bool updateUI=true) |
void | colorCodeObjects (array< string > objectIds, string propertyName, string propertyDatatype, double intervalSize=1.0) |
string | createColorSchema (string setContainerId, string name) |
string | createColorSchemaFromCurrentMaterials (string name, bool updateExisting, object options=object()) |
int | deleteColorSchema (string namePattern) |
array< string > | getColorSchemaList () |
string | getCurrentColorSchema () |
bool | activateColorSchemaByName (string name) |
void | showWireModeSchema (string name) |
void | clearWireMode () |
void | setObjectsToWireMode (string ids, bool wired) |
string | createWireModeSchema (string ids, string wmName, bool overwrite=false) |
string | getWired () |
int | countWired () |
double | getBBoxMinX () |
double | getBBoxMaxX () |
double | getBBoxMinY () |
double | getBBoxMaxY () |
double | getBBoxMinZ () |
double | getBBoxMaxZ () |
void | updateBoundingBox3DView () |
int | calcOOBB (var objectIds, double eps=0.001) |
int | updateOOBB (var objectIds, double eps=0.001) |
int | calcOOBBxy (var objectIds, double eps=0.001) |
int | updateOOBBxy (var objectIds, double eps=0.001) |
object | getBoundingBoxCommon (var objectIds) |
object | getOOBBCommon (var objectIds) |
object | getOOBBxyCommon (var objectIds) |
double | checkOverlapOBB (string id1, string id2, double eps=0.001) |
string | createSelectionSets (string propertyTypes, string rootName, object config=object()) |
array< string > | getRootNodeListSelectionSets (string domainFilter="all") |
int | addToSelectionSetGeometry (string setId, string objectIDList) |
int | removeFromSelectionSetGeometry (string setId, string objectIDs) |
string | createSelectionSet (string name, string parentID=string()) |
bool | removeSelectionSet (string selsetID) |
int | updateSmartSets (array< string > smartSetIDs=array< string >()) |
string | addRegionToAlignment (string alignmentId, object setting) |
int | removeAllRegionsFromAlignment (string alignmentId) |
int | addRangeToRegion (string regionId, double fromStation, double toStation, string alignmentId=string()) |
int | removeRangeFromRegion (string regionId, double fromStation, double toStation, string alignmentId=string()) |
int | removeAllRangesFromRegion (string regionId, string alignmentId=string()) |
int | createDirectory (string path, string dirName) |
bool | writeFile (string filePath, string content, string encoding=string()) |
bool | appendToFile (string filePath, string content, string encoding=string()) |
bool | removeFile (string filePath) |
bool | copyFile (string fnFrom, string fnTo) |
bool | moveFile (string fnFrom, string fnTo) |
bool | checkIfFileExists (string filePath) |
bool | openFile (string filePath, string encoding=string()) |
bool | writeToFile (string content) |
bool | closeFile () |
array< string > | readTextFile (string filename, bool ignoreLineBreakesInDoubleQuotes=false, string codec=string()) |
string | readTextFileAsString (string filePath, string codec=string()) |
var | readFileInChunks (string filePath, object options) |
object | readCsvFile (string filePath, string delimiter=";", string encoding="Windows-1252") |
int | csvOpen (string filePath, string delimiter=";", string encoding="Windows-1252") |
array< string > | csvNextLine () |
bool | csvHasNextLine () |
bool | csvClose () |
string | readImageFile (string filename, string targetFormat="", bool applyExifRotation=false) |
array< object > | getDirectoryEntryList (string dirPath, bool filesOnly=false, string orderBy="Name") |
bool | dbIsLocalCopy () |
string | dbGetFilepath () const |
int | dbOpen (const var connectionData=var()) |
bool | dbClose () |
void | dbCheckIn () |
void | dbCheckOut (array< string > propList) |
bool | dbQueryExec (string sqlQuery) |
object | dbQueryRecordset (string sqlQuery, string key, int maxNumberOfRows=0) |
bool | dbEndQueryExec () |
bool | dbQueryNext () |
var | dbQueryValue (int column) |
string | dbQueryLastError () |
int | setPropertyValueDB (string objIdList, string propName, string propDataType, string propDomain, var value, bool createType=true) |
int | writePropertyValueDB (string objIdList, string propName, string propDataType, string propDomain, var value, bool createType=true) |
bool | startTransaction () |
bool | endTransaction () |
bool | dbGetImmediateUpdate () |
void | dbSetImmediateUpdate (bool) |
int | dbClearCache (string propName, string propType) |
void | dbClearCacheAll () |
int | dbDeleteProperty (string objIdList, string propName, string propType) |
int | dbAssertTable (string tableName, array< string > columnsList) |
bool | setCheckActive (string checkRunID, bool active) |
int | runCheck (string checkRunID) |
int | clearCheckResults (string checkRunID) |
int | setCheckOptions (string checkRunID, object options) |
object | getCheckOptions (string checkRunID) const |
int | setCheckFilterList (string checkRunID, array< object > filterList, bool rightSet=false) |
array< object > | getCheckFilterList (string checkRunID, bool rightSet=false) const |
int | setCheckItems (string checkRunID, array< string > elementIDist, bool rightSet=false) |
array< string > | getCheckItems (string checkRunID, bool rightSet=false) const |
int | setPostProcessingCode (string checkRunID, string code) |
string | addCheckRule (string checkRunID, object rule, string parentRuleID=string()) |
int | removeCheckRule (string checkRunID, string type, string ruleID) |
int | clearCheckRules (string checkRunID, string ruleTypeFilter=string()) |
object | getCheckRules (string checkRunID, string ruleTypeFilter=string()) |
void | enableGeoLocation (int msecInterval=60) |
void | disableGeoLocation () |
object | currentGeoPosition () |
int | setBoQBreakdownStructure (string boqModelID, string templateStr) |
int | sortContainerByProperty (string containerId, string propName, string propType, bool ascending=true, int maxDepth=0) |
int | validateIfcCompatibiliy (string bsModelID) |
![]() | |
string | addDays (string dateStr, int nrDays) |
int | getCalendarWeek (date dt) |
string | createID () |
long | calcHashcode (string str) |
string | compressToIfcGuid (string id) |
string | uncompressFromIfcGuid (string ifcGuid) |
bool | checkRegExp (string value, string pattern) |
double | calcSlantedArea (string objId, double angleMin=0.0, double angleMax=45.0) |
object | calcGpsCoordsByStation (string objId, double station) |
object | calcGpsCoordsByModelCoords (double x, double y) |
object | calcModelCoordsByGpsCoords (double lat, double lon) |
object | calcGkCoordsByModelCoords (double x, double y, double z) |
object | calcModelCoordsByGkCoords (double r, double h) |
object | calcGkCoordsByGpsCoords (double lat, double lon) |
object | calcGpsCoordsByGkCoords (double rw, double hw) |
object | convertCoordinates (object coordinates) |
string | idListToStr (array< string > idList) |
array< string > | strToIdList (string strIDList) |
var | mapToExternalIDs (const array< string > cpIDs) |
var | mapFromExternalIDs (const array< string > cpExternalIDs) |
var | getFileInfo (string filePath) |
string | getAbsolutePath (string filePath) |
string | getBaseName (string filePath) |
string | getFileName (string filePath) |
string | getApplicationDirectory () |
string | getApplicationFilename () |
string | getApplicationLanguage () |
string | getVersionAsString () |
object | getVersion () |
bool | requireVersion (int major, int minor, int patch) |
string | getDomainByElement (string objId) |
string | getUserName () |
string | getProjectName () |
string | getProjectDirectory () |
object | getProjectLocation () const |
object | getProjectInfo () |
array< string > | getContainedElements (string containerId, int maxDepth, bool loadExternal=true) |
int | countContainedElements (string containerId, int maxDepth, bool loadExternal=true) |
string | getParent (string objId) |
array< string > | getOpenings (string objId) |
array< string > | getParts (string objId) |
array< string > | getLinkedObjects (string objectIDList, string resultDomains="all", string objectLookupDomains="all") |
bool | isVisible (string objId) |
bool | isSelected (string objId) |
bool | isLocked (string objId) |
bool | isWired (string objId) |
var | getPropertyValue (string objId, string propName, string propType, bool inh=true) |
array< object > | getPropertyValuesByObject (string objId, string filterpattern="*") |
var | getPropertySource (string objId, string propName, string propType, bool inh=true) |
string | getPropertyUnit (string propName, string propType) |
object | getPropertyTypeMetaData (string propName, string propType) |
array< object > | getPropertyTypeList (string domain="all", string filterPattern="*", bool activeOnly=false) |
array< object > | getPropertyTypeListByObject (string objId, string filterPattern="*") |
bool | isPropertyInherited (string objId, string propName, string propType) |
string | getPropertyValueRange (string idList, string propName, string propType, string domainFilter="geometry") |
var | evaluateFormula (string code, string id, string id_otherdomain=string()) |
string | prepareJsCode (string code, string id, int dec=-1, string frmt="%L1", int fieldWidth=10, QChar fillChar=QChar()) |
array< string > | extractPropertyNames (string code, string startTag="[[", string endTag="]]") |
array< object > | getGlobalProjectProperties () |
array< object > | getPointList (string objId) |
object | getPointOnAlignmentAtStation (string alignmentId, double d) |
double | getStationOfProjectedPoint (string alignmentId, double x, double y, double z=0.0) |
array< string > | getRegionsOfAlignment (string alignmentId) |
array< object > | getRangesOfRegion (string alignmentID, string regionID) |
double | getValueOfAlignmentRegion (string alignmentID, string regionID) |
int | getTaskMode (string taskID) |
string | getTaskVisualisation (string taskID) |
string | getTaskRestrictionsByTask (string taskID) |
Additional Inherited Members | |
![]() | |
void | synchronizationFinished (bool success) |
void | fileChunkReceived (string data) |
void | geoPositionUpdated (object pos) |
function |
Activate object tooltip.
name | Name of tooltip to be activated. |
function |
Add a list of objects to an existing Viewpoint's visible objects
function |
Remove all measure items (current items and those sticked to 3d view).
function |
Unselect all objects.
repaint | true: Refresh 3D-view |
function |
Clear Version Comparison. Remove all models from list and reset results of last comparison run.
function |
Get number of selected elements.
domainFilter | Count only visible of given domains |
function |
Get number of visible elements.
domainFilter | Count only visible of given domains |
function |
Create geometric objects from current Measurements.
Measuring mode must be active and at least one measurement must exist.
New geometric objects will be created in model "Measurements".
options | Options for object creation and linking. Example / Default Settings: { "mergeFacesAndPolygons": true, "linkToMeasuredGeometry": true, "linkToTypeID": "", "select": true } |
function |
Create a Viewpoint from current view.
parentID | : ID of a Model, Container or Issue within the Issues Domain |
options | : The options object looks like this (all keys optional, defaults as shown unless defined otherwise in the project configuration): { "name": "newViewpoint", "saveVisible": true, "linkVisible": false, "saveSelected": false, "linkSelected": false, "saveLocked": false, "saveClipping": true, "saveRedlining": true, "saveMeasuring": true } |
function |
Create a WebForm bookmark by URL and name. Note that if a bookmark for the URL pre-exists, the name of the existing bookmark will be changed.
function |
Deactivate object tooltip.
function |
Export a list of Issues/Viewpoints to a BCF file.
sourceIds | List of Issue and/or Viewpoint IDs to be exported |
targePath | Location where the resulting combined BCF file is stored |
targetFileBaseName | The file name given here will be extended by ".bcf". |
bcfVersion | One of "2.1" (default) or "3.0". |
function |
Export model check runs (and optionally results) to an XML file.
sourceIds | List of IDs. These must be either Check Runs or top level containers (like model root nodes). |
targetFilePath | Full path of target file for the exported data. |
options | map, see below for possible keys and values. |
function |
Export geometric model(s) to a file.
This will only work for DESITE products that support model imports (e.g. MD, MD PRO, but not CUSTOM).
filePath | File name and path of the model(s) to be exported. Must be specified if export dialog is not shown. |
modelIDs | Array of model IDs. If more than one model ID is specified, a consolidated model will be exported. |
options | Export options, see below |
Property | Default Value | IFC | CPIXML | CP2 | OBJ | SKP |
writeCommonRoot | false | X | ||||
exportLocalCoordinates | false | X | X | X | X | |
exportVisibleOnly | false | X | X | X | X | X |
exportCurrentMaterials | false | X | X | X | X | X |
exportActivePropertiesOnly | false | X | X | X | X | |
exportInheritedProperties | false | X | X | X | X | |
exportEvaluatedProperties | true | X | X | X | X | |
propertyBookmarkName | "" | X | X | X | X | |
removeEmptyContainers | true | X | X | X | X | |
removeNamespaces | true | X | X | X | X | |
exportProxies | false | X | ||||
modeSubparts | 0 (1/2) | X | ||||
propertySectionVersion | "1.3" ("1.7") | X | ||||
writeOptOOBB | true | X | ||||
buildingStructureModelID | "" | X | X | |||
writeBuildingStructureProperties | false | X | ||||
exportOpenings | false | X | X | X | X | X |
exportGrids | true | X | ||||
exportAlignments | true | X | ||||
mappingFile | "" | X | ||||
createPropertySetDesite | true | X | ||||
exportLines | true | X | X | X | ||
exportTextures | true | X | X | X | ||
swapIndexes | [0,1,2] | X | X | |||
exportSKPVersion | 10 (=2017) | X | ||||
createInstances | false | X | ||||
preserveHierarchy | false | X | ||||
exportCustomLocation | false | X | ||||
customTranslation | {x:0,y:0,z:0} | X |
function |
Filter elements and show matching objects only.
function |
Get list of tasks active on date 'dt';
function |
Get list of tasks which are active between dtStart and dtEnd.
function |
Get current date/time of simulation.
function |
Get list of tasks finished on date 'dt';
function |
Check if 4d simulation is activated.
function |
Get 4D options.
function |
Get finish date, i.e. last finish date.
function |
Get project start, i.e. first start date.
function |
Get list of tasks which have not been started on date 'dt';
function |
Get color of task 'taskID' at date and time dt.
function |
Get name of active tooltip.
function |
Get all picked points from measure handler (if active) as a list "points". Points are listed in pick order. Measured lines, polygones etc. are ignored. Each measure point is represented by an object in the list having 2 attributes: Attribute ip contains the internal model coordinates, attribute p the global coordinates. the list can be translated into JSON-String.
function |
Draw plan underlay of building structure. Check if drawing is active.
function |
Get ids of all pins created since navigation mode was set to 'pin'.
function |
Get the current view as a Base64 encoded image.
Prior to DESITE version 3.0, the size of the resulting image was determined by the current viewport size.
The new default size is Full HD, which you can change by passing width and height parameters.
function |
Check if documents tooltip painter is activated.
function |
Return current handler (navigation) mode with additional info as json object.
function |
Get project's import settings with a list of parameters per format.
function |
Get Location parameters.
Valid coordinate reference systems are "None", "GaussKruger", "UTM" and "Custom".
function |
Get Painter Options.
Returns an Object with the following Properties:
Property | Type |
drawSolid | bool |
drawTextures | bool |
drawWired (deprecated) | bool |
drawEdges | bool |
edgesColor | list(3) of float (RGB) |
edgesWidth | int |
drawComposites | bool |
drawNegative | bool |
drawParts | bool |
backfaceCulling | bool |
cullSmallGeometry | bool |
pixelThreshold | int |
alignmentsWidth | int |
alignmentsDrawLabels | bool |
alignmentsLabelScaleFactor | double |
alignmentsDrawConstructionLines | bool |
alignmentsSelectSegments | bool |
lockColor | list(3) of float (RGB) |
selectionColor | list(3) of float (RGB) |
drawOOBB | bool |
drawOOBBxy | bool |
drawTesselation | bool |
drawNormalVectors | bool |
scaleFactorNormals | double |
selectCompositeParts | bool |
selectAllCompositeParts | bool |
selectVisibleCompPartsOnly | bool |
function |
Get picked faces from measure handler (if active) as JS object.
function |
Get last picked point from measure handler (if active) as JS object. Attribute ip contains the internal model coordinates, attribute p the global coordinates.
function |
Get last picked point from measure handler (if active) as JS object, in Gauss-Krueger coordinates.
function |
Get last picked point from measure handler (if active) as JS object, in GPS coordinates.
function |
Get property value of an object in the Version Comparison module.
objectID | ID of object |
propertyName | Name of property |
propertyType | Data type of property |
checkInheritance | Check inherited property values (default: true) |
function |
Check if resources tooltip painter is activated.
function |
Get selected elements.
domainFilter | Get only visible of given domains |
function |
Get IDs of selected elements as list.
domainFilter | Get only selected of given domains |
function |
Get current settings of the Version Comparison module.
tolerance | is a value between 0.0 and 9.9999 (default: 0.0001) |
function |
Get results of the last Version Comparison, as a set of ID lists for new, removed, changed and unchanged Objects.
The results can be filtered to improve execution speed; please see example below.
This function will always succeed, but will return empty lists if no Version Comparison has been run.
filterKeys | Keys to filter the returned object by. Valid keys are "newObjects", "removedObjects", "changedObjects", "unchangedObjects". |
Example for fetching new and deleted objects:
function |
Get Viewpoint data by a Viewpoint's ID.
An empty object will be returned if the ID is not found.
Note that a complete set of Viewpoint data can be very large, particularly if it has a preview image, redlining, and/or measure items. You should therefore restrict the output to the data that you actually want returned by passing a list of keys.
You can either pass a whitelist (containing keys you want reported back, default) or blacklist (containing keys to block).
vpID | Viewpoint ID |
filterKeys | Keys to filter the returned object by. See below example for valid keys. |
whitelist | If true (default), the previous parameter is interpreted as a whitelist. Set to false for a blacklist. |
Example for only fetching Name and Description:
Example for a full data set (not recommended unless you really need it all):
function |
Get Viewpoint data from the current View.
filterKeys | Keys to filter the returned object by. See examples in the documentation for getViewpointData(). |
whitelist | If true (default), the previous parameter is interpreted as a whitelist. Set to false for a blacklist. |
function |
Get visible elements.
domainFilter | Get only visible of given domains |
function |
Get IDs of visible elements as list.
domainFilter | Get only visible of given domains |
function |
function |
Get Visualization Options.
function |
Return an object containing all stored WebForm sources.
function |
Check if the domain projects have selected elements.
domainFilter | Check only given domains. Default is 'all' domains. |
function |
Check if the domain projects have visible elements.
domainFilter | Check only given domains. Default is 'all' domains. |
function |
Hide all objects of domain (combinations allowed). Blocked objects are not included.
repaint | true: Refresh 3D-view |
function |
Hide all elements of a list of domains.
domains | List of domain identifiers, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' [optional, default: geometry] |
function |
Hide all elements in Version Comparison.
function |
Switch dimension painter off.
function |
Hide list of elements.
elementIDs | List of IDs to hide, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
includeBlocked | Hide objects even if they are blocked [optional] |
domains | List of domain identifiers, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' [optional, default: geometry] |
function |
Hide list of elements in Version Comparison.
elementIDs | List of IDs to hide, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
function |
Import a 3D model into Version Comparison.
sourceFilePath | Input file path for comparison |
referenceModelID | Reference to the original model (currently only used for import settings) |
function |
Import a single or multiple 3D models into the current project. This will only work for DESITE products that support imports (e.g. MD, MD PRO, but not CUSTOM).
Note that location options will only be applied when no project location has already been set. To change an already defined project location, use setLocation().
sourceFilePaths | Array of input file paths. |
options | Options for model import. Example / Default Settings: { "location": { "coordinateReferenceSystem": "Custom", // Type can be 'Custom', 'UTM' or 'GaussKruger' "coordinateReferenceSystemName": "", // This parameter is only relevant when 'Custom' as coordinate reference system is used "zone": "" // This parameter is only relevant when 'UTM' or 'GaussKruger' as coordinate reference system is used }, "locationFileIndex": 0 // Index of the file that should be used to set the project's reference location from } |
Example #1:
Example #2:
Example #3:
function |
Import a BCF file.
sourceFilePath | Source BCF file |
function |
Import a single or multiple bills of quantities into the current project.
This will only work for DESITE products that support imports (e.g. MD, MD PRO, but not CUSTOM).
function |
Import Model Check Runs file(s).
sourceFilePaths | Single or multiple filenames to be imported. |
function |
Import a single or multiple time schedules into the current project.
This will only work for DESITE products that support imports (e.g. MD, MD PRO, but not CUSTOM).
function |
Send a message to the Remote interface of the desite application. This is the same interface as it can be used with a TCP-socket. The interface is documented in the tutorial 'desite_remote.pdf'.
show a message in a message window:
function |
Move camera in 3d view to location given by GPS coordinates (decimal degrees).
function |
Open an URL by passing this url to the operating system or to the project.
useDesktopService | true: The URL is passed directly to the operating system false: The project handles the link, this enables paths relative to the project directory |
function |
Open project in this instance.
useSessionData | No longer used; no effect. |
function |
Redirect a model source file to a new local path.
Note that the source redirection will have no immediate effect. The project must be saved and reopened to trigger a model update from the new location.
newSourceFilePath | Path and file name of the new model source |
function |
Remove a list of objects from a Viewpoint's visible objects
function |
Remove a WebForm bookmark by URL.
function |
Run Version Comparison.
Prior setup can be done by importModelIntoVersionComparison() and setVersionComparisonOptions().
Results can be fetched by getVersionComparisonResults().
function |
Save the current view to a file. The format is specified by the extension of the filename.
Supported formats are *.jpg, *.png
Prior to DESITE version 3.0, the size of the resulting image was determined by the current viewport size.
The new default size is Full HD, which you can change by passing width and height parameters.
function |
Save current project.
function |
Write CP Archive to 'cpzip_filename'. A missing suffix (*.cpzip) will be appended. Note: The 'cpzip' format has no 2 GB barrier.
filename | Filename of archive with complete path. If no absolute path is given the archive is written to the parent directory of the project directory. |
packBookmark | Name of bookmark to apply. If the bookmark does not exist, the default file list is used for creating the archive. |
function |
Select objects given by IDs.
idList | String of object IDs separated by ';'. |
flag | true = select, false = unselect elements |
function |
Select visible 3D objects and generic elements. 3D-view is refreshed afterwards.
function |
Select visible 3D objects. 3D-view is refreshed afterwards.
function |
Send a message to the Remote client socket (by default localhost:45455; for more info on the Remote interface, see documentation).
The message does not need to follow any particular format or convention.
Note that, since the Remote socket communication is connectionless, there is no way of checking if anyone actually received the message.
function |
Set current date/time of 4D-Simulation.
function |
Activate/Deactivate 4D-Simulation.
function |
function |
Select or deselect all elements of a list of domains.
selected | Determines whether all elements should be selected (true) or deselected (false) |
domains | List of domain identifiers, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
function |
Show or hide all elements of a list of domains.
visible | Determines whether all elements should be visible (true) or invisible (false) |
domains | List of domain identifiers, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
function |
Draw plan underlay of building structure. Activate drawing of plan underlay. The plan underlay is drawn for visible building structure items.
The plan underlay must be created from linked 3d-objects first.
active | true: activate, false: deactivate |
function |
Switch documents tooltip painter on/off.
function |
Select or deselect a list of elements.
selected | Determines whether the given elements should be selected (true) or deselected (false) |
elementIDs | List of Element IDs, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
function |
Show or hide a list of elements.
visible | Determines whether the given elements should be visible (true) or invisible (false) |
elementIDs | List of Element IDs, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
function |
Set handler for navigation mode.
handlerInfo | JSON object containing type of handler which is one of the following: 'select', 'orbit', 'pan', 'walk', 'lookaround', 'zoom', 'measure', 'cutting', 'pin', 'redline', 'clipping' |
Select Handler
Orbit Handler
Measure Handler
Cutting Handler
Pin Handler
Redlining Handler
Clipping Handler
function |
Set project's import settings per format.
Use getImportSettings() for a list of all parameters.
Example #1:
Example #2:
function |
Set Location parameters, e.g. the survey point.
See getLocation() for a list of all parameters.
Example #1:
Example #2:
function |
Set Painter Options
opt | : Options encoded as a JSON object |
See getPainterOptions()
for a list of all properties; not all must be set!
function |
Switch resources tooltip painter on/off.
function |
Set options used by Version Comparison.
options | Options passed as object. |
function |
Set data to a Viewpoint identified by ID. The Viewpoint must already exist.
function |
Apply Viewpoint data to the current 3D View. No data is stored.
function |
0 - Normal
1 - Wire Mode, Selected in Model Color, Unselected as Lines in Model Color
2 - Wire Mode, Selected in Model Color, Unselected as Lines in grey
function |
Set Visualization Options
See getVisualizationOptions()
for a list of all properties; not all must be set!
function |
Show all objects of domain (combinations allowed).
repaint | true: Refresh 3D-view |
function |
Show all elements of a list of domains.
domains | List of domain identifiers, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' [optional, default: geometry] |
function |
Show all elements in Version Comparison.
function |
Show conflicted objects of given clashes.
function |
Switch dimension painter on. Show dimensions of selected objects.
showAABB | Show dimensions of axis aligned bounding box of selected objects |
showOOBB | Show dimensions of optimized, orientated bounding box of selected objects |
function |
Show list of elements.
elementIDs | List of IDs to show, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
includeBlocked | Show objects even if they are blocked [optional] |
domains | List of domain identifiers, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' [optional, default: geometry] |
function |
Show list of elements in Version Comparison.
elementIDs | List of IDs to show, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
function |
Show list of elements exclusively (hide all others).
elementIDs | List of IDs to show, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' |
domains | List of domain identifiers, either as an array or as a concatenated string, separated by ';' [optional, default: geometry] |
function |
Show objects from front or back, determined by current camera position and by width and height of Optimized Bounding Box of objects.
IDList | String with object IDs, separated by ';'. |
function |
Show objects from left or right side, determined by camera current position and by length and height of Optimized Bounding Box of objects.
IDList | String with object IDs, separated by ';'. |
function |
Show objects from top or bottom, determined by current camera position and by length and width of Optimized Bounding Box of objects.
IDList | String with object IDs, separated by ';'. |
function |
Activates the home viewpoint of the current project.
If no home viewpoint is configured, the camera is set to an isometric view that shows all geometric elements.
This behavior is analogous to pressing the "home" button on the GUI.
function |
Open keyboard.
function |
Show an "Open File" dialog to choose the path and name of a file.
caption | Title of the dialog (default 'Open File') |
directory | Directory which is initially displayed |
filter | File filter (default 'All files (*.*)'). Format example: "JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);; TIFF (*.tif);; All files (*.*)" |
You could also use a standard HTML input, for example:
An Object URL created like this represents the specified file object and can be used to access the file, but for security reasons, it will never reveal the actual file's path.
If you need the unencrypted path, use this function instead.
function |
Show a "Save File" dialog to choose the path and name of a file to save to.
caption | Title of the dialog (default 'Save File') |
directory | Directory which is initially displayed |
filter | File filter (default 'All files (*.*)'). Format example: "JPEG (*.jpg *.jpeg);; TIFF (*.tif);; All files (*.*)" |
function |
Show a viewpoint by ID.
function |
Start program
Search order for programs is:
1) absolute path
2) application directory
3) project directory
function |
Documents have a location. Zoom the screen so all documents are fitted in the 3D-view.
function |
Resources (Instances) have a location. Zoom the screen so all resources are fitted in the 3D-view.
function |
Zoom to given documents in 3D view.
idList | Array of IDs. |
function |
Zoom to location given by Gauss-Krueger coordinates.
function |
Zoom to location given by GPS coordinates (decimal degrees).
function |
Zoom to given objects.
The view is adjusted in such a way that all selected 3D-objects fit into the current view. The view direction (vector eye -> poi) is not changed, just the eye point is moved.
objIds | String holding the object IDs, separated by ';'. |
function |
Show elements from top. Zoom to visible if no elements are selected, otherwise zoom to selected objects.
function |
Zoom to resources in 3D view. The resources are given by an ID list.
function |
Zoom to selected 3D-objects.
The view is adjusted in such a way that all selected 3D-objects fit into the current view. The view direction (vector eye -> poi) is not changed, just the eye point is moved.
function |
Documents have a location. Zoom the screen so the selected documents are fitted in the 3D-view.
function |
Resources (Instances) have a location. Zoom the screen so the selected resources are fitted in the 3D-view.
function |
Zoom to visible 3D-objects.
The view is adjusted in such a way that all visible 3D-objects fit into the current view. The view direction (vector eye -> poi) is not changed, just the eye point is moved.
function |
Documents have a location. Zoom the screen so the visible documents are fitted in the 3D-view.
function |
Created: Wed Oct 30 2024 09:33:04 |